Domenico Livio Trombone
Born in Potenza in 1960, he is a Chartered Accountant and Auditor. Partner at Studio Trombone Dottori Commercialisti e Associati.
Currently Chairman of the Board of Directors at Carimonte Holding S.p.A., Consorzio Cooperative Costruzioni – CCC and Società Gestione Crediti Delta S.p.A.. He is also a Director at La Centrale Finanziaria Generale S.p.A. and, since April 2017, Director at Eni.
In addition, he serves as Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors at Associazione Costruttori Italiani Macchine Attrezzature per Ceramica (Acimac), Coop Alleanza 3.0 Sc and Unipol Banca S.p.A..
He is Standing Auditor at: Arca Assicurazioni S.p.A., Arca Vita S.p.A., CCFS Soc. Coop, Cooperare S.p.A., Parco S.p.A., Popolare Vita S.p.A., Unipol Finance S.r.l. and Unipol Investment S.p.A..
Over the years he has held positions at banks, asset management companies and insurance firms.
In particular, he has served as Standing Auditor at Carimonte Holding S.p.A., Unicredit Servizi Informativi S.p.A., Immobiliare Nettuno S.r.l. and Gespro S.p.A..
From April 2006 to March 2007, he held the post of Director at Aurora Assicurazioni S.p.A.. From October 2007 until the company’s merger by incorporation into FonSai S.p.A., he was Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors at Unipol Assicurazioni S.p.A.. Until December 2008, he held the position of Director at Banca Popolare del Materano S.p.A. and BNTConsulting S.p.A.. From April 2010 to October 2011, he was Chairman of the Board of Directors at BAC Fiduciaria S.p.A.. From April 2009 to December 2011, he served as Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors at Arca Impresa Gestioni SGR S.p.A.. From April 2007 until April 2012, he held the post of Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors at Cassa di Risparmio di Cento S.p.A.. From April 2010 to May 2016, he was Chief Executive Officer at Carimonte Holding S.p.A.. From December 2011 to December 2012, he acted as an Independent Director at Serenissima SGR S.p.A.. From December 2011 to April 2016, he served as Director and Vice-Chairman at Gradiente SGR S.p.A.. From April 2007 to April 2016, he was Standing Auditor at Unipol Gruppo Finanziario S.p.A..
Graduate in Economics and Commerce at the Università degli Studi di Modena.